research diaries

Research Diaries Pt. 1: A Book to Read

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Welcome back to the research diaries! The research diaries are posts chronicling what it means to be a researcher, especially one who researches art and music. Writing is a huge part of research. Part of why I am choosing to blog everyday and to publish it everyday is because I want to become a better writer and communicator. Another part of researching, and this is likely obvious, is that research involves a lot of reading. Learning how to read for research is a skill and getting in that habit and feeling good about it is also a thing. So, I’m reading a book to help me with this.

Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day: A Guide to Starting, Revising, and Finishing Your Doctoral Thesis is the book that I’m choosing to read to help me with this. I’ve read a few other books in this same genre that were somewhat helpful, but getting started is still a challenge. The internet says this is the next book to read and that it is really helpful so we will see! Finishing or being as close to finished as possible is my big goal for 2021 and I’m starting here.

Lots of reading seems to be happening in my life these days which is just how I like it. I decided that I was going to read this specifically to help me with dissertation research which is why it’s a part of this series and not my other reading blogs.

It’s a short book so I should have a review post up soon!

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Until tomorrow!