Newsletters are cool. As much as I complain about the amount of email I receive, much of it is due to the number of newsletters that I subscribe to. At one point I was receiving so many newsletters that I created an entirely new email address just to keep all of that media in one place.
Newsletters are just so great though! Earlier this year I decided that I was going to focus on receiving much of my news from newsletters and more controlled inputs rather than the inundation that comes with being on social media. Don’t get me wrong, I love social media and so much good comes from there and before now, it was how I received much of my news. It works and again, there’s nothing wrong with it. I think thought that I am often looking for something deeper from the things that I consume. Also, the pandemic has made social media a place where I want to spend less and less time and so this is where newsletters come in for me.
Newsletters are now my way of keeping up with what people are doing. If I want to hear about a new album, an upcoming application deadline or something else, I’ve noticed and realized that the best way to share AND receive that type of information is via a newsletter.
Newsletters have also become more than a way for people just to share news and updates about the goings-on in their lives though. It’s a way to curate and share more personal and intimate details about things. Curation is a big, big part of why newsletters have become so ubiquitous now too. Content creators are also curators. The job of a curator is to take all of this information and things that they consume and distill it down and share said information out to people. Curators are supposed to do the work of figuring out what is worth our time and what is not worth our time. I love curating too, if you didn’t already know. Newsletters have also become community spaces. Entire internet groups are dedicated to and find community in newsletters. It’s great!
If you didn’t already know, I run a few newsletters. One of them is to be announced soon, but I send a monthly newsletter called Ciyadh’s Corner. It is part original creation / announcements and the other half consists of curated content. You can subscribe my newsletter here.
What do you think of newsletters and what the people on Twitter are calling the Newsletter Renaissance and the Golden Age of the Newsletter? Are you receiving more or attempting to receive less? I would love to know what you all think about this!
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Until tomorrow!