Some 2020 Mid-Summer Updates

Things have picked up over these last few weeks and it’s been super exciting! Here are a few of those things.

I had the pleasure of giving a conference presentation at the Guitar Foundation of America’s online conference. I spoke about diversity and inclusion in the guitar community and about the steps that I believe the guitar community can begin taking in this direction. It was a super fun experience and I look forward to doing many more things like this in the future. You can rewatch that entire presentation here: Creating a Diverse and Inclusive Guitar Community by Ciyadh Wells

I made a companion resource for the presentation here which I would also love for you to check out.

The day after my presentation I was asked to be a part of a roundtable discussion titled, “ Racial Disparity and Inequity in Classical Guitar: A Conversation with Thomas Flippin, Christopher Mallett, Judicaël Perroy, and Ciyadh Wells”. It was a really great experience to be able to talk with some of my guitar heroes about their experiences in the guitar community. That recording is also available here: Racial Disparity and Inequity in Classical Guitar Conversation

My partner in crime, Jamie Monck, also gave his GFA presentation that very same day which you can view here: Jamie Monck Lecture Q&A

Speaking of my partner in crime, or in world guitar domination as we like to call it, Duo Charango had the privilege of performing for this year's New Music Gathering. We had originally planned to premier the Neoteric Guitar Project during this event, but due technical challenges, we took a different approached and played two new to us works. You can check them out on your YouTube channel here: Duo Charango YouTube Channel

Since then, last week, lots of other awesome things have happened as well which I will detail in further posts. For now, enjoy the things I’ve posted above!
