If you’re subscribed to my newsletter, and you should be if you’re reading this, you’ll know that a few issues back I announced that I’ve joined twitch as a creator! Twitch is a live-streaming platform known mostly for creators to livestream different games. In recent months though, more and more creators who do other things have joined the platform including me. There are people there who just chat which is just chatting with people in the stream. There are creators there who live stream themselves doing things such as crocheting or building mechanical keyboards for instance. It’s a really cool space and I’ve enjoyed it a lot so far from the perspective of a consumer.
Now, you might be wondering what I am going to be streaming and the truth is that I won’t be streaming any of the things I’ve mentioned above! I’m really into all things productivity and creativity, no surprises there, so I’ll be streaming some productivity content and things that fall into the just chatting category. I’ve watch people taking book notes, studying for tests, planning projects, and other seemingly mundane things that are actually riveting. Of course I’ll be sharing some music there too! I find it both simultaneously fascinating and frightening to practice in front of other people so practicing live on twitch will be an exercise in concentration.
Ultimately, my twitch channel is going to be a mixture and catch all of all of the things that I do and want to talk about just like this blog. 2020 taught me that I really do enjoy creating things and so 2021 means that I’ll be creating even more! If you have any suggestions or ideas that you’d like for me to cover in future streams, please let me know! I’m currently planning my content there for next year and it’s looking like my streams will be once or twice a month. Go ahead and subscribe at Ciyadh.live and I’ll see you in the new year.