This is My Focus

To no ones surprise, I have plenty of ideas for this blog and other things. I have scraps of paper, endless markdown files across numerous apps, tabs open on all my browsers, saved snippets, and yet I still am not sure what to write today.

All I know though is that I want to write and post something, so here I am.

I’ve decided that moving forward most of the things that I will create will be centered and focused around this blog with the exception of the podcast, which I become more and more obsessed with each passing day.

Why focus here?

Because I love blogging. I love this platform. I love blogs probably as much as I love podcasts and while I do love YouTube and the video medium, there is just something about a good podcast or blog that are made for me. This means that instead of writing something for Instagram or Twitter, I’ll probably make a post here on the blog. In due time I’ll go back to using those platforms more regularly, my goal is to write, podcast, and make art and community which I can do without feeling the pressure to tweet 50 times a day. So that is where my focus will be.

What I’m Doing Now

Howdy! This is just a quick note to share what I’m doing now. Since my last blog post, my sole focus has been school. Most of my writing energy has been thrown towards that project so that’s what I’m doing now. 

Oh! I also got a new job which I’ll write a formal post about soon, but for now just know I’m working on school and will have A LOT to say about it once it’s over. 

Off to dissertate I go!

Cogitating on Performing

Performing is an integral part of my career as a musician. It’s been something that I’ve always wanted to do and something that I envision myself doing for a very long time. My take on what it means to be a performer is probably different from most so I did a podcast episode about it. I’m really happy with how this turned out. Would love to know how you feel about performing.

What I’m Listening to No. 8


Another Wednesday, another great selection of tunes. Instead of sharing what I have been listening to over the past two weeks, I am going to share what I’m planning to listen to over the next two weeks. Over the weekend I visited a new record store and picked up what I think are some gems. 

Since I’m sharing what I’m going to be listening to, in the next edition of this series I’ll share my thoughts on each of the albums and we’ll see how that goes.  These are all on CD by the way. More on CDs and other analog listening in future blogs and podcast episodes. 

1.  Wish by Joshua Redman 

This was an easy choice for me. While I haven’t played saxophone in a very long time, his work really influences me and I’m excited to hear some of his earlier work. 

2. is what it is by Mike Stern 

Sure, I know of Mike Stern, but I’m far less intimate with his playing. 

3. Prince 

I’ve always loved Prince, but never thought that I listened to enough of it so here’s to an adventure and deep dive into his entire discography. 

4. The Birthday Concert by Jaco Pastorius 

I remember learning about Jaco after watching a viewing of a documentary that was made about him during Bonnaroo when I was last there. My mind was blown and I have been devouring his music ever since. 

5. Rewind That by Christian Scott 

I’ll admit this was a maybe for me, but I decided to get it because I know I need to listen wider and that Christian will have something to teach me. 

So, that’s it! These are all of the things that I’m going to be listening to over the next two weeks. I’ll report back my thoughts and findings.

Mid-Year Reading Update (2021)


We’re halfway through the year! It’s like I blinked and it was suddenly June. This year has been…a lot and that’s fine. There has been good and bad, but we’re still here and that counts for something. 

I can’t remember if I shared this already, but my reading goal for the year was to read 25 books. Why 25? Because 50 sounded like  too much. As aspirational and as much as I want to be able to read 50 or more books in a year, I needed to be realistic about it too. I’m doing a lot of reading for research purposes and so I’m including those books in my 25 as well. If I go over 25, great, and if I don’t that’s fine. The goal is really loose and not something I put too much pressure on myself about. The point of the goal was just to hold myself accountable for learning and growing and to motivate myself to read. I love reading and have for many years. Keeping up with non-school related reading has always been a challenge, understandably so. While my coursework reading has simply been replaced with research reading, being at home more does give me more space for reading and I’ve definitely taken advantage of it. 

I’m halfway to my goal which is exciting. As I mentioned, this does include some school reading and some things that maybe traditionally some might not consider reading, but I believe a book is a book. In other words, I’ve read a few really great graphic novels that are on the list. If I’ve learned anything this year from consuming various book related content it is that you should determine what is a book and how you want to ‘count’ it if you’re keeping track. So this is me telling you to do what you want. 

I’ve been keeping a good mix of fiction and non-fiction which was something I wanted to be very intentional about. I didn’t plan out my reading list because I believe in serendipity so I just read based largely on what I feel and what deadlines are looming over my head. It’s more fun that way and I don’t have to do something or read something that I don’t want to. Life is too short for books that aren’t good. So if you’re reading something and you don’t like it, move on. 

For people who care about tracking things, tracking books read and other ancillary statistics is a whole thing. Lately I’ve just taken to using Book Buddy and then writing them down in the various journals that I have going. Why is it thought that I as a person who loves apps doesn’t use Goodreads? Well, I don’t really need it. I don’t really care to know what other people have read and if I do, they’ve probably talked about it somewhere on the internet so I can just find it there. Also, Goodreads is UGLY. I’m considering using StoryGraph, a much better looking book tracker, but it’s not something I’m worried about. 

In an additional post I’ll share my thoughts on some of the individual books that I’ve read so far and will in the future add them to my ‘What I’m Doing Now’ posts.

I’d love to know what books you’re reading! You can always comment on this post or just send me a message anywhere. 

Read on!

Exploring Teaching as a Career

I love teaching. While it might not have been the future that I had imagined for myself as a young musician, it has become a large part of my work as an artist and is incredibly important to me. In keeping with the mission of my podcast, I’m currently doing a series on career exploration. More specifically, I’m exploring careers I’ve had as an artist, ones I hope to have in the future, and those that are important to the creation of music. I’m really loving it so far and I am looking forward to talking about all the careers. 

Happy listening!

What I’m Listening to Wednesday No. 7

Well, it’s been more than a few Wednesdays since I wrote one of these posts, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been listening to music! I’ve probably listened to more music in the past few months than I had previously so there are a few things I’m going to share with you this week. 

I recently ventured out to my first record store here in Austin and was instantly reminded of my love for physical music consumption and media so this week’s picks are things that I am listening to on either CD or vinyl record.

Reunions by Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit 

I got this one of CD and wow, did it not disappoint. I’d initially listened to this shortly after it came out in 2020, but we all know about 2020 so when I came back to it, it was a pleasant surprise. I’d put Jason’s music in the category of music that is so good and so sad. I find myself thrust into the depths of whatever sadness he’s channeling without even noticing it. It’s a vibe that I am here for. 

Chapters by Kneebody 

If I’m being honest, Kneebody has always been hit or miss for me in the past. I’m not really sure why either, but I firmly believe that sometimes a certain song or album may not be right for us at the moment, but can be in the future. That’s largely how I feel about this album. Something about it didn’t mesh with me two years ago, but as of late it feels great to be listening to it again. 

12 Little Spells (Deluxe Edition) by Esperanza Spalding 

There are artists and then there are Artists. Esperanza Spalding is definitely in the Artist category in my opinion. I picked up this CD at the record store after having not really listened to it when it came out. I envy her ability to do anything, especially how she plays and sings. I think there are few who can sing and play complex things at the same time. This album is just so good. Take my word for it. 

Writing about music is just so fun to me and I thoroughly enjoy reading what others think about the music that they are listening to. I would love to know what you are listening to these days.

More thoughts on music coming to you soon! 

Introducing the Faithful Plate Podcast

It’s no secret that I love podcasts. I listen to a lot of them and over the past year, I have come to produce my own so when I was offered the opportunity to create a limited series show as part of the CreatureKind fellowship I jumped at the opportunity. I’ve longtime been an admirer of CreatureKind, an organization that works to advocate for farmed animal welfare from a Christian perspective. Justice, on behalf of animals, people, and the environment are all really important to me and I’ve long wanted to work on a project like this which turned into the Faithful Plate Podcast. 

The Faithful Plate Podcast is a show at the intersections of faith, food, and family. It’s a limited run show featuring a mixture of solo episodes and interviews. It’s been such a journey to create something about faith for me and I’m so happy with how it all turned out. I’ll be writing a longer, more in-depth post about this in the next few weeks. Thanks for listening!

Why I’m Hosting a #musochat about Reopening


I love Twitter. I’ve learned so much about the world and gained so many wonderful relationships from the people I follow there. I will also be the first to say that Twitter isn’t always a great place and I do leave it from time to time because it IS toxic at times. Even with that in mind, I still think it is a great place to have some conversations. 

As of late, I’ve noticed that the world is ‘opening back up’ and while that’s fine, I don’t think enough people are talking about it and considering their entire communities in these conversations. So I want to talk about it on Twitter because that seems like the perfect place. #musochats are like open, crowd-sourced conversations. 

On 5/16/21 at 9 PM EDT I’m going to be hosting a 10 question #musochat conversation about what exactly reopening means, how we can have difficult conversations about it, and what that means for artists and our communities. I’m excited about it! 

I’m also facilitating a similar conversation with Jess Griggs on 5/20 as part of the [Working Title] series hosted by the Austin Emerging Arts Leaders.

What I’m Doing Now

As promised, I am sharing with you my “now” page. This is a list, in no particular order, of things that are occupying my attention as of right now.  Giving credit to Patrick Rhone for this idea. 

I am on podcasting fire. Podcasting has been my favorite thing that I’ve started doing in the last year and I cannot wait to do even more of these shows. I’ve got some great guests coming on, books in the club queue, and more ideas than I know what to do with. So excited. 

I did mention that I was on podcasting fire so I started a new podcast…sort of. The Faithful Plate podcast is a limited-run show that I’m producing as part of my fellowship with Creaturekind. It’s about faith, food, family, and the intersections that exist between all of those things. 

  • Youtube / Streaming / General Interneting 

I’m still working on what I’m calling general interneting and content creation. I’ve got my hands deep in a lot of projects, but things are happening. 

My duo is a part of a virtual collaboration project that wraps up next week. It has been a journey and will post the final video here, for safekeeping, once it is done. 

  •  Zines, zines, zines! 

Nothing much to report other than I am back on zines and am planning to spend the summer riding my bike and making paper books. Might make something and put it on ko-fi soon. 

A Podcast all about Apps

I’m excited to share this next episode of the Musically Cogitating Podcast. I’m extra excited about this one because it’s all about music apps and adjacent technologies. I really love exploring different kinds of apps, especially those that align with my musical interests and tendencies. Check it out directly using the player. I would love to know what you think!

Getting It Back Together

Woof…I think that’s what we’re saying nowadays. I blinked and it’s been way longer than I wanted it to be before I got another post up. Sometimes there are just too many things going on at once and then attempting to get out in front of them takes time, which is totally fine! I’ve still been writing and creating something most everyday and so I’m pretty happy with that. I just need to make sure things make it up here too and they will! So no worries, I’m here and alive and kicking.

In the next few posts I’ll update some of what has been going on.

Until tomorrow!

What I'm Doing Now

Poking around on the internet as I do, I came across this page and philosophy which is a now page. The idea behind these types of pages is that you’re able to update and share with readers what you’re doing now, broadly speaking. I think that these types of posts will be really helpful for me to use for updates and check-ins when whatever I published that day doesn’t make it to the blog. What I’m working on or doing now usually changes every month to six weeks so I’m going to aim to do some type of post like that at that frequency.

Do you share what you’ve been working on or what you’re up to with people? Let me know!

Until tomorrow

Use This Website

I read a lot of things on the internet because that’s what I do. Of the many types of things that I like to read about the tools and toys that people use or their setups are high on the list. There are lots of websites dedicated to this type of thing but I just found on of my favorite ones over the weekend called Use This. Check it out here:

Until tomorrow! 

Thoughts on Gabz/mL’s “Just Blog”

I really love this post about why you should just blog. Even though I like to think that I’ve overcome a lot of my blogging resistance, I’m constantly searching for new and shiny writing tools, researching new blogging platforms, and considering how to best structure everything. At the end of the day though, the most important thing is that writing happens and it makes it into the world.

I am considering spinning off a few other blogs from this one for various projects, but I’ll talk about those later.

What are you thoughts?

Until tomorrow!

What I’m Listening to Wednesday: No. 5

It’s St. Patrick’s Day! ☘️

I’ve been in a much better place as far as listening to music is concerned. It’s been something that I’ve actively trying to make time for everyday. I don’t have a set goal or anything that I’m trying to reach as far as songs listened although I’ve been thinking about engaging in a symphony per day kind of project. If I end up doing that, I’ll write a post and continue to update a list of what I do end up listening to. Anyways, on to this week’s pick.

This week I’m choosing a singular song. Better Than I Imagined features H.E.R., Robert Glasper, and Meshelle Ndegeocello and is a “ode to Black love”. Rolling Stone did a write up about it.

I’m slowly working on an arrangement of this song or a play-along because it’s just that good. Oh, and did I mention they just won a Grammy? How cool!

Until tomorrow!